The idea - design process - manufacturing.



This project requires a few tools and produces a nice product 

Key Houses
Fun Projects

Shed decoration

Man Cutting Firewood

Shed decoration with a cut-down wine bottle center to let light in.

Eyeball Light

Shed decoration and Yankee candle cover center to let light in.

Flower Light

About Shed Art

Pam & Scott

Shed Art

Hi, my wife and I are a couple of old folks that just retired. We have always admired those who are artistic and worked with their hands. Doing projects on the weekends was fun, until Sunday night, then it’s back to the same old grind.

Now, that we are retired we have so many projects we want to try, I hope we stay on this side of the grass for a while to realize them….

By the way, retirement is the BEST. I will be selling programs that I have proven and will be selling items we produced when we figure out the shipping procedure.